Presentation of New Bolzano Hospital Clinic Facades
The architects from AKG "Architects for Hospital Construction and Health Care" visited the site of the new Bolzano hospital clinic on Saturday 19 September. During their visit, the specialist planners inspected the new east, west and north wing facades.
80 architects from AKG in Germany, together with Ms Tiemann-Petri and Mr Koch of "Tiemann-Petri Koch Planungsgesellschaft mbH" visited the construction site of the new hospital clinic in Bolzano. One of the reasons for the study visit was to inspect and evaluate the facades, which have already been largely completed and will be handed over to the owners in January 2016.
In order to explain the quality building envelope clearly, FRENER & REIFER project manager Stefan Gasser led the group of professional visitors through the site and illustrated the technical details of the individual facade types with the help of the relevant plans.